Sensibilisation au suicide : Introduction/Suicide Awareness: An Introduction (Sherbrooke, QC) Registration

September 28, 2024 08:30 to September 28, 2024 16:30
930 Rue du Haut-Bois Sud Sherbrooke, QC

Suicide provides unique challenges to both the professional caregiver and those within the informal support system. This course will help define challenges for those faced with providing crisis intervention with suicidal people and their support systems. It seeks to examine evidence-based concepts and gives practical tools to equip helpers with suicide awareness, professional referral, peer support intervention and supporting survivors in the aftermath of a suicide completion. The course is interactive and uses lecture, small and large group discussion, role-plays, and video interviews with survivors and experienced leaders in the field of suicidology.

Your Information


Total: $

Please note that the CISM training is delivered through our partner organization ICISF. As such, we will be sharing your name and email address with ICISF in order to deliver you a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course.

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada (BGEAC) retains your personal information as confidential. The information you provide will be used to register for the event and inform you of our programs and projects, to help encourage you spiritually, and to provide you opportunities to support our work. For further information on how we use your information please review our terms of use and privacy policies. Please contact BGEAC at 1.800.2933717 or email if you do not want your information used for the purposes described with links on terms of use and privacy policies.

Where & When

930 Rue du Haut-Bois Sud Sherbrooke, QC
September 28, 2024

© 2024 The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada